Friday, May 11, 2007

Redmond hijacks the U3 flash memory standard?

Here's a left-field take on the joint announcement from Microsoft and Sandisk today: Guy Kewney's comment says:

Despite what many have assumed, the new Sandisk-Microsoft flash platform isn't about data storage for mobile users. It's more about making digital rights management and security for Vista computer users more completely under Redmond's control.

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Blair: not just the shame of ID cards...

Wendy Grossman doesn't seem too sorry to see Blair go - judging by this week's net.wars column.

She writes:

So, he's gone, or almost. Ten years is a long time for anyone to remain in power. Blair hasn't quite made it as long as Margaret Thatcher did, but by virtue of the UK's different ways in electing the people who fill its top office it's longer than either Reagan or Bush II. There are children who don't remember what it was like to have the Conservatives in power.

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